The conference "Innovative materials for sustainability: from laboratory to applications" will be held in Bari on February 16-17, 2023. The conference is organized by the team of the project "GeoT-NET - geopolymer technology for a clean and sustainable future" of the University of Bari A. Moro (Department of Earth and Geoenvironmental Sciences, Department of Chemistry, Department of Economy, Management and Corporate Law) in collaboration with the Working Group on Geopolymers of the Italian Ceramic Society (ICerS).
The conference is addressed to scientists, specialists from different disciplines, and stakeholders and will be an opportunity for discussing about the advances of scientific research in the development of innovative and sustainable materials, particularly those obtained using the geopolymer technology. The conference points to summarize the actual opportunities of technology transfer, and any existing limits, as concern in particular the applications in the modern and historic construction industry and in the field of environmental governance.
The conference is part of the activities of the "GeoT-NET - geopolymer technology for a clean and sustainable future" project, funded by the University of Bari under the Horizon Europe Seeds competitive call, an initiative aimed at supporting the excellence in research and to encourage collaboration among researchers of the University of Bari from different cultural areas in order to develop highly transdisciplinary research proposals and to strengthen the competitiveness of the University of Bari with respect to the access to European funding. During the conference the activities of the GeoT-NET project will be presented.
Conference venue
The conference will be held in hybrid form by attendance at the Department of Earth and Geoenvironmental Sciences and by online connection to TEAMS platform. Instructions for online participations will be communicated few days before the date of the conference directly to participants which will choose this option.
Information the conference venue is available at the link:
Abstract submission
The abstracts should be written in English using the Abstract Template and submitted by filling the online form, specifying a preference for oral and poster communication. Deadline for abstract submission is January 15, 2023. Abstracts must have a maximum length of 1500 characters, including bibliographic references, and must not contain tables and figures.
Type of contribution
Contributions can be presented as oral communications or poster. Slides and posters must be written in English.
Oral communications will have the total duration of 15 minutes, included the discussion. Presentations will be made on computers using Microsoft Windows and must be compatible with PowerPoint or in PDF format. Speakers must deliver their presentation file 30 minutes before starting their presentation. In the case of remote communications, speakers must send the presentation file within the 8 p.m. of 15 February to the address
Posters must have vertical orientation and size 70*100 cm.
The registration to the conference, with and without abstract submission, can be done by filling the registration form and specifying payment details, selecting the participation mode in attendance or online, and indicating eventual participation to the social dinner (16 February evening). Deadline for registration is January 31, 2023.
Registration fees
Euro 50: participation mode in attendance, comprehensive of the access to coffee break, kit of the conference and abstract volume book.
Euro 30: online participation mode
Euro 25: social dinner of 16th February
The registration fee for the congress must be paid by bank transfer to the bank account payable to PUGLIA MIA, IBAN code: IT31O0200804033000105298887, BIC/SWIFT code: UNCRITM1L09, indicating the following reason for payment CONGRESSO GEOPOLIMERI BARI 2023 followed by the name and surname of the participant, and specifying the participation mode, i.e. in attendance (with or without the social dinner) or online, as indicated hereafter:
CONGRESSO GEOPOLIMERI BARI 2023_name_surname_attendance/online_dinner
The conference will be held in hybrid form, online by connection on ZOOM platform and by attendance at the University of Bari A. Moro, University Campus E. Quagliariello, via E. Orabona n.4. Specifically, registration and oral session will be held at the «Palazzo delle aule»» (room 4, first floor), poster session will be held at the of Earth Science museum of Dipartimento di Scienze della Terra e Geoambientali.
For information, please contact the Organizing Secretariat at: